
Assessing drivers’ preferences for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) in Spain

Rahmani, D., Loureiro, M. L., (2019). "Assessing drivers’ preferences for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) in Spain". Research in Transportation Economics. DOI:


With the aim of analyzing preferences for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), two stated preference methods (a contingent valuation exercise and a discrete choice experiment (DCE)) were used in a survey conducted in a representative sample of Spanish drivers. Overall, our findings show robustness between the willingness to pay (WTP) estimates elicited via a latent class model (LCM) and those from a payment card question. In both cases results show an average positive WTP, although insufficient to actually cover the extra cost of HEVs. The lack of interest for HEVs may be motivated by different reasons, including the low level of information related to this technology, and additional false believes about the autonomy of these vehicles. Furthermore, drivers who declare a willingness to buy HEVs do not always do so for environmental reasons, but rather for reputational issues related to their self-image. Thus, in order to increase the market share for HEV vehicles in the Spanish market, informative campaigns and additional economic incentives may be designed.

Rahmani, D., Loureiro, M. L.
Año de publicación: 

Relationship between wine-evoked emotions and consumers’ preferences and willingness to Pay

Rahmani, D.; Loureiro, M.L.; Escobar, C.; Gil, J.M.. (2019). "Relationship between wine-evoked emotions and consumers’ preferences and willingness to Pay. Agricultural Economics Society" –AES, 93rd Annual Conference, April 15-17, 2019, Warwick University, Coventry, UK.


A labelled discrete choice experiment (DCE) combined with a blinded wine tasting was conducted among 180 Catalans red wine drinkers to assess their preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for three different wines: conventional, organic, and selected vintage organic wines in the context of habitual purchase. The DCE was carried out before and after wine tasting and a comparison between pre and post responses was undertaken to measure the effect of wine taste on wine repurchase. Facial expression analysis was conducted to test whether different wine typologies evoke different emotions and if these emotions influence consumers’ wine choices and WTP. Moreover, we tested for hypothetical bias in the DCE subjecting half of the sample to a hypothetical DCE and the other half to a nonhypothetical DCE. Results show that consumers’ preferences for the three wine typologies in both hypothetical and nonhypothetical DCE were not statistically different. However, consumers’ preferences were significantly influenced by wine taste, evoked emotions and actual liking. Our findings showed that there was a positive and significant association between wine evoked emotions (positive experience) and wine choices, especially in the case of organic and selected vintage organic wine. However, wine evoked emotions did not affect significantly consumers’ WTP for each of the three wine typologies. Our findings also showed that organic or selected vintage organic wines were preferred by women and participants with high environmental involvement. Our findings improved our understanding of wine choices, contributed to the application of DCEs for eliciting preferences and provided useful information to winemakers.

Rahmani, D.; Loureiro, M.L.; Escobar, C.; Gil, J.M.
Año de publicación: 

Sharing the gains in forest management: Insights from the application of principles of collective action

Alló, M., Loureiro, M.L., (2018). "Sharing the gains in forest management: Insights from the application of principles of collective action". Forest Systems 27(2). DOI: 13078)


  • Aim of study:

To analyze the factors that motivate the sharing of a contribution to a common pool resource (CPR).

  • Area of study:

We obtained data from Galicia communal forests during 2013-2014.

  • Material and methods:

A survey among forest owners in which questions about decisions, mimicking those in public good games, were included. In addition, the compliance with the principles of collective action (PCA), and their implications in the management of CPR were tested.

  • Main results:

PCA are not functioning perfectly in our sample of communal forest owners. In line with previous literature, results suggest that individuals are willing to share an important amount of endowment in a CPR. Examining the role that PCA play in individuals’ decisions, it was observable that when owners face the sharing of an endowment, the monitoring, conflict resolution mechanism and minimal recognition of rights imply more cooperative results. Current communal forests should promote a better application of these PCA in order to obtain a more cooperative behavior from their members.

  • Research highlights:

Communal forest owners are quite generous according to the results obtained. In addition, it has also been found that the endowment is an important factor to consider, while social aspects represented through the PCA also matter when explaining sharing decisions. The present study may be useful in order to promote stronger cooperation in local communities.

Alló, M., Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Los Incendios Forestales Y Su Impacto Económico: Propuesta Para Una Agenda Investigadora

Alló, M., Loureiro M.L., (2018). "Os incendios forestais e o seu impacto económico: proposta para unha axenda investigadora". Revista Galega de Economía 27-3. ISSN 1132-2799. ISSN-e 2255-5951


Los incendios forestales son uno de los mayores problemas ambientales a los que se tiene que enfrentar el sur de Europa, dada la virulencia a la que han llegado en estos últimos años. Ante esta situación, es importante llevar a cabo una valoración económica del alcance, que considere además los costes directos o el impacto sufrido como consecuencia de la pérdida de los servicios ecosistémicos forestales. Este punto es de vital importancia, puesto que dicha estimación ayudará a reclamar una correcta compensación a las comunidades afectadas. También, a su vez, dicha estimación constituye una información útil para la gestión y priorización de acciones de defensa contra incendios. El objetivo de este pequeño artículo es presentar las clasificaciones más relevantes existentes en cuanto a los daños de los servicios ecosistémicos perdidos, destacando las últimas metodologías disponibles y mostrando a través de un caso concreto, la importancia de considerar la valoración económica de este tipo de pérdidas.

Alló, M., Loureiro M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Economic impacts of marine ecological change: Review and recent contributions of the VECTORS project on European marine waters

Groeneveld, R.A., Bartelings, H., Börger, T., Bosello, F., Buisman, E., Delpiazzo, E., Eboli, F., Fernandes, J.A., Hamon, K.G., Hattam, C., Loureiro, M., Nunes, P.A.L.D., Piwowarczyk, J., Schasfoort, F.E., Simons, S.L., Walkera, A.N., (2018). "Economic impacts of marine ecological change: Review and recent contributions of the VECTORS project on European marine waters". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 152-163.


Marine ecological change is likely to have serious potential economic consequences for coastal economies all over the world. This article reviews the current literature on the economic impacts of marine ecological change, as well as a number of recent contributions to this literature carried out under the VECTORS project. We focus on three main types of change, namely invasive alien species; outbreak-forming species, such as jellyfish and toxic algae; and gradual changes in species distribution and productivity. The case studies available in the literature demonstrate that the impacts of invasions and outbreaks on fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism can potentially amount to several tens of millions of dollars each year in some regions. Moreover, stated preference studies suggest a substantial impact on coastal tourism and non-use values that is likely not visible in case studies of specific outbreak events. Climate-driven gradual changes in distribution and productivity of commercial fish stocks will have an impact on fisheries, although these impacts are likely to be overshadowed by much larger changes in prices of seafood and fuel.

Groeneveld, R.A., Bartelings, H., Börger, T., Bosello, F., Buisman, E., Delpiazzo, E., Eboli, F., Fernandes, J.A., Hamon, K.G., Hattam, C., Loureiro, M., Nunes, P.
Año de publicación: 

Views on sustainability and the willingness to adopt an environmental management system in the Mexican vegetable sector

Padilla-Bernal, L.E., Lara-Herrera, A., Vélez-Rodríquez, A., Loureiro, M.L., (2018). "Views on sustainability and the willingness to adopt an environmental management system in the Mexican vegetable sector. International Food and Agribusiness", Management Review 21, 423 – 436.


In Mexico, agriculture’s main environmental problems are related to water resources, deforestation and soil erosion. These problems are more acute in arid or semiarid regions such as in the state of Zacatecas. Environmental management systems (EMS) can be an alternate means for improving environmental conditions. In this study, factors that determine willingness to adopt an EMS in the vegetable production units of the state of Zacatecas were identified. We also analysed views on sustainability and production practices oriented toward environmental management and care of natural resources, as well as drivers and barriers to EMS adoption. Factors determining EMS adoption were level of education, awareness of the importance of caring for and protecting natural resources, application of agricultural practices oriented toward protecting the environment, and ignorance of environmental problems.

Padilla-Bernal, L.E., Lara-Herrera, A., Vélez-Rodríquez, A., Loureiro, M.L.,
Año de publicación: 

Why is the market for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) moving slowly?

Rahmani, D., Loureiro, ML. (2018) "Why is the market for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) moving slowly?" PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193777.


Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) could be a good short term option to help achieve global targets regarding road transport greenhouse gas emissions. Several common and country-specific public policies based on price or tax rebates are established in order to encourage the adoption of HEVs. The present research empirically assesses market preferences for HEVs in Spain, looking at the role of subsidies. An interactive internet-based survey was conducted in a representative sample (N = 1,200) of Spanish drivers. Drivers are willing to pay an extra amount of €1,645 for a HEV model compared to a conventional vehicle, premium which is well below the price markup for these cars. Therefore, current levels of economic subsidies applied in isolation to promote these types of vehicles may have a quite limited effect in extending their use. Overall, it is found that drivers have clear misconceptions about HEVs, which affect their purchasing choices and perceptions. Therefore, a policy mix of various incentives (including informational campaigns) may be required in order to stimulate the demand for HEVs.

Rahmani, D., Loureiro, ML.
Año de publicación: 

Evaluating management options for a Marine and Terrestrial National Park: Heterogeneous preferences in choice experiments

Martinez, M.B., Loureiro, M.L., (2018). "Evaluating management options for a Marine and Terrestrial National Park: Heterogeneous preferences in choice experiments". Marine Policy 95, 85-94.


In order to analyze preferences for various management options at the Atlantic Islands National Park in Spain, a stated choice survey was carried out. The complexity of responses and the identification of a wide variety of heterogeneous preferences and motivations were studied through the analysis of follow up questions. The application of a latent class model employing the information gathered in the follow-up questions has proved useful to disentangle different preferences and motivations. The results show that not considering this heterogeneity in the estimation process may lead to biased results, and therefore to an erroneous interpretation of individual's management preferences. In particular, results seem to indicate that those individuals with rational responses prefer to pay more for actions to improve the quality of the National Park rather than to expand it; while those with a protest attitude are more reactive to some measures, such as visits control and the creation of smoking areas.

Martinez, M.B., Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

The impact of illegal harvesting on time preferences and willingness to participate in shellfish resource management

Alló, M, Loureiro, ML., (2018). "The impact of illegal harvesting on time preferences and willingness to participate in shellfish resource management. Energy and Resource Economics". DOI:


The shellfish sector suffers from overexploitation of many species. The aim of this paper is to analyze through a discrete choice experiment (DCE) the preferences of shellfish gatherers with respect to a proposed recovery program; assessing the role of time preferences and the impact of illegal harvesting. In terms of time preferences, results show that shellfish gatherers are quite impatient with regards to their extraction levels (with a discount rate between 7 and 11% for a period of 12 months, depending on the conservation scenario considered). These results can be a consequence of the risky environment in which fishers operate. Furthermore, it was found that the concerns about illegal harvesters increase the shellfish gatherers’ discount rates. These results imply that sustainability of the resources is in danger.

Alló, M, Loureiro, ML.
Año de publicación: 

The impact of offshore wind farms on beach recreation demand: Policy intake from an economic study on the Catalan coast

Voltaire, L, Loureiro, Maria L., C. Knudsen, PALD Nunes, (2017). "The impact of offshore wind farms on beach recreation demand: Policy intake from an economic study on the Catalan coast, Martine Policy", 81, 116-123. 


Offshore wind energy development can have major economic implications because of the potential impact on coastal recreation demand – particularly for countries that are characterised by high offshore wind power potential while also being popular tourist destinations. In this context, the impact of offshore wind farm projects on beach recreation demand in Catalonia (Spain) during the 2012 summer season was examined. A combined revealed and stated preference approach, which allows joint modelling of actual and hypothetical demands, was applied. The results demonstrate a significant welfare loss up to €203 million per season. The results further show that the installation of a wind farm mainly will cause a shift in trips to Catalan beaches without wind farms, which implies that the estimated negative economic impacts will occur mostly in areas where wind farms are located. From a political economy point of view, this may call for the design and implementation of re-distributive instruments to offset the negative impacts caused by wind farms.

Voltaire, L, Loureiro, Maria L., C. Knudsen, PALD Nunes
Año de publicación: 


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