
Applying Best-Worst Scaling in a Stated Preference Analysis of Forest Management Programs

Loureiro, M.L., Dominguez, F. (2012) “Applying Best-Worst Scaling in a Stated Preference Analysis of Forest Management Programs”
Journal of Forest Economics, 18(4):381-394.



The selection of an appropriate forest management program is an arduous task in which opinions and information are shared. In this research, we have tried to facilitate this process by applying the Best–Worst Scaling (BWS) method in order to discriminate among the various management alternatives and to identify the management preferences stated by a group of key actors in decision making process: common property forest owners. Descriptive results from the BWS method show the ranking for preventive wildfire policies from the best (most preferred) to the worst (least preferred) policy among those evaluated by forest owners. However, and after employing a Latent Class Model, we find that common forest owners can be classified into two different classes, especially distant in terms of preferences toward forest management priorities. On one hand, one of the classes (containing older individuals) is more likely to prefer policies based on direct economic incentives and quicker returns, whereas a second class (younger) prefers other policies that also contain environmental and social spillovers or benefits. Thus, we find that BWS may be a very suitable method of elicitation of preferences in the context of decision making under multiple conflicting criteria.

Loureiro, M.L., Dominguez, F.
Año de publicación: 

The effects of Nutritional Labels on Obesity

Loureiro, M.L, Yen, S., Nayga, R. (2012) “The effects of Nutritional Labels on Obesity” Agricultural Economics, 43(3), 333-342.


This study examines the relationship between nutritional label use and obesity using switching regression. Results for treatment effect show that nutritional labels play a role in reducing obesity among users of nutritional labels, notably among women. The average body mass index (BMI) for men who read nutritional labels is 0.12 point lower than men who do not read them, while women who are users of nutritional labels have 1.49 points lower BMI than women who do not read labels. These findings imply that health education campaigns can employ nutritional labels as one of the instruments for reducing obesity.

Loureiro, M.L, Yen, S., Nayga, R.
Año de publicación: 

Are Valuations from Real Choice Experiments Comparable to those from Experimental Auctions?

Loureiro, M.L., Gracia, A., Nayga, R.J. (2011) “Are Valuations from Real Choice Experiments Comparable to those from Experimental Auctions?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(5), 1358-1373.



Due to the importance of comparability and external validity of results, nonhypothetical experimental methods are increasingly used to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay for various goods. Two of the increasingly popular preference elicitation methods are the nonhypothetical choice experiments and experimental auctions. We conduct experiments to compare willingness to pay estimates elicited from both methods. Our results generally suggest that valuations elicited from experimental auctions can differ from those obtained from nonhypothetical choice experiments.

Loureiro, M.L., Gracia, A., Nayga, R.J.
Año de publicación: 

Valuing an EU Animal Welfare Label using Experimental Auctions

Gracia, A., Loureiro, M.L, Nayga, R.J. (2011) “Valuing an EU Animal Welfare Label using Experimental Auctions” Agricultural Economics, 42(6), 669-677.


The aim of this article is to determine consumers’ valuation for an EU Animal Welfare (EU-CAW) Label for products providing higher animal welfare standards than the current legal requirements. Using revealed preference data from random nth price auction mechanism and two auction procedures, our results generally suggest that consumers are willing to pay a premium for an EU Animal Welfare (EU-CAW) Label for cured ham. This finding is consistent in both the endowment and full-bidding auction approaches we employed in our experiments conducted in Spain. The average premium that consumers are willing to pay for a cured ham with the EU-CAW Label ranges between 19% and 23% of the average price of the regular cured ham that is currently available in supermarkets.

Gracia, A., Loureiro, M.L, Nayga, R.J.
Año de publicación: 

Nuevas perspectivas sobre las políticas climáticas en España

Labandeira, X., Loureiro, M.L. (2011) “Nuevas perspectivas sobre las políticas climáticas en España” Economistas, 127: 82-86.


Las políticas de cambio climático tienen un marcado componente energético y, por ello, se encuentran en el centro de un creciente debate sobre su diseño y efectos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la reciente aplicación de un cuestionario que evalúa la disposición a pagar de una muestra representativa de la población por dos políticas para restringir las emisiones españolas de gases de efecto invernadero y las actitudes de la ciudadanía española sobre diversas opciones en este ámbito. Nuestras conclusiones permiten reconciliar la elevada concienciación social sobre estas cuestiones con la aplicación de determinadas políticas de precios, a diferencia de lo ocurrido en la realidad hasta el momento.

Labandeira, X., Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Identifying the scope effect on a meta-analysis of biodiversity valuation studies

Ojea, E., Loureiro, M.L. (2011) “Identifying the scope effect on a meta-analysis of biodiversity valuation studies” Energy and Resource Economics, 33(3), 706-724.


Insensitivity to scope is an issue of much debate in contingent valuation (CV) even today. Although the literature about insensitivity to scope is abundant, the reasons for it are not yet well known. Through a meta-analysis of CV studies of biodiversity, the treatment of the different possible measures of the quantity of the good is explored in relation to scope sensitivity. Overall, the findings suggest that CV results are sensitive to the amount of the good being valued, although the result depends on how the environmental change is measured. Results support the use of absolute sizes when conducting CV studies.

Ojea, E., Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Climate change, energy and social preferences on policies: exploratory evidence for Spain

Hanemann, M., Labandeira, X., Loureiro, M.L. (2011) “Climate change, energy and social preferences on policies: exploratory evidence for Spain” Climate Research, 48: 343–348.



Spain faces a complex situation regarding its climate change policies. On the one hand, greenhouse gas emissions have shown an important increase since 1990, and are far above the Kyoto commitments. On the other hand, the country is likely to suffer significant impacts from climate change. To date, however, there has been a rather limited application of corrective policies, particularly with regard to energy prices. Indeed, although Spanish citizens are generally very concerned about climate change, price increases in the energy sector have traditionally been opposed. In the present paper, we offer suggestions for future policies, showing that Spanish households, in general, are strongly in favour of the implementation of a green electricity program, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions, although it makes electricity more expensive for an interim period. Data from a telephone survey representative of the Spanish population which we carried out immediately prior to the Copenhagen climate summit, show that people were willing on average to pay an increase of 29.91€ per month per household over the current electric bill. Our results also show that younger ­individuals living in the Mediterranean area are more likely to pay for this green electricity program.

Hanemann, M., Labandeira, X., Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Ethical Considerations and Food Demand

“Ethical Considerations and Food Demand” 2011. Edit: Jayson Lusk, Jutta Roosen  & Jay Shogren. Oxford University Press.

Capítulo de libro



Food is becoming more and more an item on the political agenda around the world. Ethical guidelines may require minimal harm to animals, proper labor conditions, or good environmental conditions, among others. This article documents the importance of ethical attributes in current consumption patterns and shows multiple studies on the various aspects of ethical consumption. The objectives of this article are twofold: first, to provide some background information to contextualize the multiple ethical claims according to different underlying economic and physiological theories; and second, to assess the marginal value of each of the main ethical food claims present nowadays in the marketplace. Results with respect to the relative preferences toward the various ethical claims are described and discussed. With respect to consumers' preferences toward ethical claims, (GM)-free claims are the most valued ones in the marketplace worldwide. Implications of this result are discussed.

Loureiro, M.L.
Año de publicación: 

Formas testamentarias en Galicia

Trigo, B. (2011) “Formas testamentarias en Galicia”

Tratado de sucesiones (Código civil y normativa civil autonómica: Aragón, Baleares, Cataluña, Galicia, Navarra y País Vasco) vol. I, Thomson-Reuters Civitas, 511-529 ISBN 978-84-470-3640-0.


Trigo, B.
Año de publicación: 

Autonomía personal de la mujer: la gestión de su persona y de sus bienes

Trigo, B. (2011) “Autonomía personal de la mujer: la gestión de su persona y de sus bienes”

El levantamiento del velo: Las mujeres en el Derecho privado. Tirant lo Blanch, 1429-1471 ISBN 978-84-9985-026-9.

Trigo, B.
Año de publicación: 


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