Main Researcher

Julio Iglesias Redondo


Julio Iglesias Redondo is a Doctor of Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1995.

Co-director of all editions of the Specialization Course of the University of Santiago de Compostela in "Guardianship of groups at risk of social exclusion".

Co-director since the IV edition of the Master of the University of Santiago de Compostela in "International Cooperation and Volunteering".

Belén Trigo


Belén Trigo García es doctora en derecho civil por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela y profesora de derecho civil en esta Universidad. En la actualidad es profesora contratada doctora.Fue coordinadora del grupo de investigación Marco jurídico del contexto socio-económico actual (DerEcoSoc) USC entre 2010 y 2014.

María Loureiro


Maria Loureiro got her PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Washington State University (USA) and she held positions at Colorado State University (USA), U. Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), and the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute (now Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomic Research-NIBIO).  She came to University Santiago de Compostela (USC) with the highly competitive program Ramón y Cajal in 2004, designed to insert international scholars into the Spanish University System. She is Professor of Economics at USC since 2017.

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