María Loureiro

Maria Loureiro got her PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Washington State University (USA) and she held positions at Colorado State University (USA), U. Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), and the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute (now Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomic Research-NIBIO).  She came to University Santiago de Compostela (USC) with the highly competitive program Ramón y Cajal in 2004, designed to insert international scholars into the Spanish University System. She is Professor of Economics at USC since 2017. Her fields of research are energy economics, environmental economics, and agricultural economics.

She has participated in 9 competitive grants as PI, from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (several years), Regional Government of Galicia, and Ramón Areces Foundation. A relevant ongoing research project she has is “Economics of climate change: vulnerability and adaptation and mitigation policies in Spain” funded by State Research Agency (2020-2024). She also participates in the Spanish Network of Experimental Economics, funded by State Research Agency (2017-2020).

She has been PI of individual working packages (WP) of many coordinated research projects, both nationally and internationally, from which she can highlight the following ongoing projects:

-Future Circular Collider Innovation Study (FCCIS) Project funded by Horizonte 2020 - The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (2020-2024).

-Joint Strategy for the Protection and Restoration of ecosystems affected by forest fires (EPYRIS), funded by INTERREG V (2018-2021).

-MyCOAST. Coordinated Atlantic coastal operational oceanographic observatory funded by INTERREG V (2017-2020).

Over the last 10 years, she has successfully advised 5 doctoral students, who have achieved an Outstanding Cum Laude mention, adding up to a total of 9 PhD dissertations defended under my supervision or co-supervision. 

Her academic work on economic valuation of environmental damages (see CV) has been used by the Prosecutor in the process of claiming damages caused by the Prestige oil spill at court.  She worked in collaboration with the Prosecutor office to provide an expert testimony report of the total damage caused by the Prestige spill to the Spanish society.  As a result, she defended her valuation report in the Provincial Court of A Coruña in 2013 (on May 20th, 2013). This was the first time in Spain, where a court admitted as a proof a report on damages to natural resources valued using techniques from environmental economics. The importance of this expert testimony has been subsequently ratified by the Spanish Supreme Court in 2016. 

Maria Loureiro is PI of the research group ECO-IURIS at USC. Her group is contained in the catalogue of competitive research groups of Galicia (Spain). As regards academic services, she has been Secretary of the International Doctorate School (EDI) at USC (January 2014 to February 2016), and Advisor to the Vice-rectors of Research and Internationalization (February 2016-May 2018). She also serves in professional associations, being EAERE Vice-President in year 2019.


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